Entries by emailcoders

Email client market share as of February 2015

Email client usage worldwide, collected from 1.1 billion email opens. emailclientmarketshare About these stats This leaderboard of the most popular webmail, desktop, and mobile email clients is compiled from data collected worldwide by Litmus Email Analytics, and displays up-to-date figures for the top 10 email clients. These statistics are automatically updated each month, and are […]

Quick Email Coding Tips for Outlook

Tall images will be cropped in Outlook. Outlook truncates the upper portion of all images higher than 1728px from the top-down. So, if your image is 250px longer than the 1728px limit, 250px will get cropped off the top. We’ve also seen Outlook re-scale an image so that its max height is 1728px. We suggest […]

Use Mobile Email Content to Make Money

Whether you’re an e-commerce business directly generating sales from email sends or a B2B company sending a dedicated marketing offer to increase lead flow, mobile-friendly emails can benefit your bottom line. Now I’m not going to lie, optimizing for email can take some time. But investing just a little more time when preparing your mobile […]

Businesses Need to Prepare for Mobile Emails

Beat the competition with mobile optimized emails. Despite rising consumption of email on mobile devices, many businesses refuse to address this shift. The technical and expertise changes needed to become an early adopter prevents marketers from investing in a mobile email strategy. Don’t let that be you! Mobile phone owners aren’t starring emails on their […]

Mobile Email Usage Is Increasing

Prepare mobile-friendly emails. More and more mobile users are accessing emails through their mobile devices. In order to effectively see results from your email marketing campaigns, you’ll need to ensure each of those emails is ready for reading by the 74% of smartphone owners who use their mobile phones to check email. Interesting Stats: 74% […]

Bullet lists in HTML Emails

The safest way to use ordered and unordered lists in HTML Email is to use a table with two columns. Avoid using < ul > and < ol > tags since they do not render consistently across platforms. <table border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ width=”100%”> <tr> <td style=”padding-bottom:5px; line-height:20px;” valign=”top” width=”15″><strong>&bull;</strong> </td> <td align=”left” style=”padding-bottom:5px; line-height:20px;”> Lorem […]